
Special Guests


Norman Blair

Norman has been teaching since 2001 and is one of the country’s foremost Yin Yoga teachers. He is the author of “Brightening our Inner Skies – Yin and Yoga”.
Norman will be joining us in Letchworth to kick-start the Yin component of our Teacher Training course.

Riaz Rashid

Riaz graduated from YogaTTS in 2022, and has concentrated on more meditative and relaxing teaching practises.
He has created Soundwerx which runs sound bath relaxation classes.
Riaz will be joining us in Letchworth when we study the teaching and practise of Mindfulness, Meditation and Relaxation.
Ree from Soundwerks will allow you to get comfortable on the mat, covering yourself with a warm blanket and allowing your body to completely soften.
Using sounds produced by the gongs and various percussive instruments, he will lead a sound bath. These are proven to alter brainwave patterns thus enabling your body to reach a state of relaxation.
An antidote to the speed and noise of modern living.

Lindsey Dexter

Lindz graduated from Yoga TTS in 2022, and is now teaching
Regular Vinyasa classes.
Lindz will be joining us to teach a Vinyasa class and to answer questions on how to start out as a new teacher,

Lauren Barrett

yoga teacher training

Lauren graduated from YogaTTS in 2023 and is now running regular yoga courses, focussing on yoga for beginners.
Lauren will be showing us how she structures a beginner’s class and course.